Registration for the 15th Meeting of the EUROSAI IT Working Group, 6-7 September 2022 is open!


On 6-7 September 2022, the 15th Meeting of the EUROSAI IT Working Group will be take place online as well physically in Bucharest. Registration is open!

For ITWG members and cooperation partners, both days of the 15th meeting will be arranged in a hybrid format – hosted online, as well as physically with extra program items for in-person attendees. September 6th is planned for a seminar “IT standards and guidelines – what is the future of IT auditing”, September 7th is reserved for the IT Working Group Business Meeting. The seminar on the 6th of September will be virtually accessible also to all INTOSAI members.

IT standards and guidelines as the focus topic of the seminar will be explored with the help of several SAI presenters as well as keynote speaker. Additionally, the panel discussion about integrating IT audit elements to all audit domains takes place to reveal thoughts about the future in IT auditing.

Have not received an invitation or would like to know more? Get in touch via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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