The second module IT Systems, Software and Data of ITWG e-course open for learning


In the frame of Research and Training Hub project, EUROSAI IT Working Group is developing a training course "Introduction to Public Sector IT Audit". 

The second module IT Systems, Software and Data has six chapters - it gives an overview of IT infrastructure, systems, software, and services. In addition, it introduces risks related to data quality, and outlines IT standardization and auditing aspects.

If interested in the first module of ITWG e-course, please see additional information from here.

The course is offered as massive open online course (MOOC) in Moodle environment. There are no time limitations to taking the course - you can take it at your own pace. The exercises in the course material can be taken unlimited number of times. The time required to complete the course is individual, but approximately it is up to 5 hours. If you also read additional materials, then accordingly more

The EUROSAI ITWG Moodle is operated by the EUROSAI ITWG Secretariat / the National Audit Office of Estonia. To take the course, please go to, if you do not have an account yet, create your account and start learning.

In case of any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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