Upcoming ITWG virtual seminar


On 12 November 2020, the e-Seminar “SAIs and the Digital Turn: Developing IT skills and IT audit capacity” will be held online, hosted by the Secretariat of EUROSAI ITWG. Participants will have a chance to hear the experiences of selected SAIs in developing IT/IT-audit skills of their staff as well as a relevant keynote address and a panel discussion of SAI dignitaries about the strategic perspectives on SAIs’ capacity building in IT.

Additionally, workshops are organized during the e-Seminar to discuss the critical IT-competences of both IT-auditors as well non-IT-auditors with all participants. The event will also serve as a kick-start to the new ITWG work stream “Research & Training Hub” included in the new ITWG Work Plan. Invitations with registration info (deadline November 2) have been sent to ITWG members and cooperation partners via e-mail.

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Further details may be obtained via [email protected]