Join ITWG e-course "Introduction to Public Sector IT Audit"


In the frame of Research and Training Hub project, EUROSAI IT Working Group has developed a training course "Introduction to Public Sector IT Audit" and is open for anyone interested in acquiring basic knowledge about how to approach IT aspects in audit work. The goal of the training course “Introduction to Public Sector IT Audit” is to increase the quality and impact of contemporary audits that frequently include IT components. Therefore, non-IT-auditors and beginner-level IT-auditors would benefit from basic knowledge about IT auditing provided in the training course. The training consists of 7 modules in total.

The course is offered as online course in Moodle environment. There are no time limitations to taking the course - you can take it at your own pace. The exercises in the course material can be taken unlimited number of times. The time required to complete the course is individual, but approximately it is up to 10 hours per module. If you also read additional materials, then accordingly more.

The EUROSAI ITWG Moodle is operated by the EUROSAI ITWG Secretariat / the National Audit Office of Estonia. To take the course, please go to, create your account and start learning.
