Summary from the ITWG e-Seminar Identify Yourself: the Devious Road to eID
E-Seminar Identify Yourself: the Devious Road to eID was held on April 19 2023 and was accessible to all members of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). Over 200 participants from 56 different countries took part in the e-seminar.
At the event, the development of electronic identification and its services were explored. Addition to the experience of European experts, attendees got an overview on status of electronic identification from cooperation partners of ARABOSAI ITWG.
Summary from the ITWG e-seminar is available on our website together with other materials including presentations and videos. Please notice, you have to be logged in to see the content. If you do not have a user account yet, please register yourself via our website.