GERMANY: Data analysis and artificial intelligence systems in the federal administration

The German SAI conducted a cross-sectional audit on the use of data analytics (DA) and artificial intelligence (AI) in the German federal administration. The German federal government intends to increasingly apply DA and AI techniques in the federal administration. It expects the federal administration to take a pioneering role. To this end, it adopted its national AI strategy in 2018. In 2021, the federal government reaffirmed its ambitions by also adopting a national data strategy.

KOSOVO: Highlights of IT audit from SAI Kosovo

The National Audit Office of Republic of Kosovo* has conducted the IT audit for the Civil Status Information System in the Civil Registry Agency. The Civil Registry Agency (CRA) as an agency within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is the main source of personal data of Kosovo citizens, which are registered and kept in the civil status registry, attesting birth, family status, death, their relationships and any changes that occur. Civil status data is administered through the information system, which has been developed on the .NET and SQL platform and interacts with other information systems in the public and private sectors for the exchange of data in electronic form, providing updated and timely information.

KOSOVO: Kosovo National Audit Office put into operation its own Audit Management System - SITA

In 2020, the Kosovo* National Audit Office has put into operation the Audit Management System. This is the third audit season that we have been using SITA for all audit types that KNAO carries out.

LITHUANIA: The National Audit Office of Lithuania promotes the opening of data in Lithuania

Open data is data that anyone can access, use and share. Governments, businesses and individuals can use open data to bring about social, economic and environmental benefits. Not to spend time and effort to create their own data sets, but to use what has been created by others.

MALTA: IT audit of the online component of the 2021 Malta Census of Population and Housing

In December 2022, the Malta National Audit Office (NAO) published the report of its Information Technology (IT) audit of the online component of the 2021 Malta Census of Population and Housing. The 2021 Malta Census was the first census that could be completed through an online form. The audit assignment sought to analyse the planning and implementation phases of the Census, including the collection of data, data integrity and security, the technological challenges, and the costs of this project.

THE NETHERLANDS: Audit of Digital Identity (eIDAS) Tools in the Netherlands

The Netherlands Court of Audit recently audited the most important and widely used digital identity tools available in the Netherlands: DigiD, the public authentication tool for citizens, and eHerkenning, the private authentication tool for businesses. We concluded that they currently function satisfactorily. We have concerns, however, about the future of digital authentication.

ROMANIA: Development of the Digitization Strategy for the Romanian Court of Accounts - identification of competencies in order to facilitate the implementation of the Digitization Strategy

The Romanian Court of Accounts has the ambition to continue to provide audit evidence in a clear and usable format for Romanian citizens and their elected representatives by increasing the degree of use of digital solutions in the operations of the Court of Accounts in order to provide timely and accurate information without using ambiguous specific terminologies.

IDI LOTA Pioneers: Preparing auditors for the Digital Age

1 LOTA Pioneers logo IDI

In November 2022, IDI has launched three new initiatives. One of these initiatives was Leveraging on Technological Advancement (LOTA) Pioneers. This initiative aims to transform nominated auditors into change agents who will bring technology to their SAI’s audit world by scanning their internal and external audit environments, strategizing for leveraging on technology in audits, and auditing the use of technology by governments.

Four modules of the training course IT Audit for non-IT Auditors have been launched

In the frame of Research and Training Hub project, EUROSAI IT Working Group is developing a training course IT Audit for non-IT Auditors. 

Summary from the ITWG e-Seminar Identify Yourself: the Devious Road to eID

E-Seminar Identify Yourself: the Devious Road to eID was held on April 19 2023 and was accessible to all members of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). Over 200 participants from 56 different countries took part in the e-seminar.

New member in the EUROSAI IT Working Group

We are pleased to announce that starting from March 2023, the EUROSAI IT Working Group has a new member from Iceland – The Icelandic National Audit Office.