KOSOVO: Kosovo National Audit Office put into operation its own Audit Management System - SITA


In 2020, the Kosovo* National Audit Office has put into operation the Audit Management System. This is the third audit season that we have been using SITA for all audit types that KNAO carries out.

SITA is a web application, document and content management system, designed to support the KNAO’s management and auditors, to manage all types of the audit processes and relevant documents.

Almost all data of the audit working papers are structured and data from auditees are imported in the designed respective database tables. Reports generated from the system are ready to be uploaded in the system with the analysis and calculations. SITA is connected to key systems such as the Kosovo Financial Management Information System, Payroll etc.

SAI Kosovo SITA AMS pic1

Figure 1: Key features of Audit Management System SITA

Based on the recorded data, the audit reports are generated with all the needed details, ready to be reviewed or to publish in the web page:

SAI Kosovo SITA AMS pic2

As the audit recommendations are also structured and saved on the database during the audit process, we publish all of them and their implementation status, through a web service, on KNAO’s web page.


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.