ITWG 14th meeting


The meeting was held 9-10 November in a hybrid format in Tallinn, Estonia. On the 9th of November, over 200 participants from 66 countries were hosted during the seminar “Brace for impact - SAIs pinpointing cyber-risk”. Topics discussed ranged from cybersecurity strategic outlook and cyber critical infrastructure to the management of cyber incidents and the panel discussion “Modern approach to cyber-security auditing” brought out the governments’ and SAIs’ role in protecting the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure.

Moderated strategic exercise with a hypothetic cyber-attack united the participants and provided an opportunity regarding how to respond to cyber-threats and reduce the damages, but also how to prevent the attacks altogether. On the 10th of November IT Working Group Business Meeting took place where all members got an overview of projects’ status and discussed their ideas during brainstorming session “Emerging cooperation formats within the ITWG, experience-sharing tour around Europe”.

All relevant materials from the 14th Meeting of the EUROSAI IT Working Group  including presentations, videos and report are available on our website

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14th meeting pilt