ITWG e-Seminar “From Code to Action: SAIs exploring the world of Artificial Intelligence“


ITWG e-Seminar “From Code to Action: SAIs exploring the world of Artificial Intelligence“ took place on the 11th of May 2021. About 250 participants from close to 50 SAIs were hosted.The e-Seminar started with the presentation of a package delivery robot that is able to transport parcels all over the city of Tallinn. After this short introduction of the robot as one form of AI, opening words from the ITWG Chair Mr Janar Holm were said.

The e-Seminar programme included many different presentations, starting with keynote addresses about developments in the European legal framework of AI and the usage of AI in the Estonian e-governance. It was also introduced how AI is implemented in the healthcare sector.

Representatives of SAIs spoke about machine learning, algorithms and advanced data analytics. During workshops, participants were divided into groups and efforts were made to map the challenges of auditing AI and using AI in SAIs. The fruitful panel discussion „ Artificial intelligence – a threat or an opportunity for SAIs?“ raised important issues related to SAIs’ work and AI technology. 

All materials related to the e-Seminar – presentations, a short overview of the panel discussion, videos – are available on our website. Please note that you have to be logged in to see the content. If you do not have a user account yet, please register yourself via our website.

Janar Holm e seminaril